We are fighting the whole global elite power structure: Sidney Powell

4 years ago

This is the same technology, the same equipment. It came out of Venezuela to be used here. I would imagine our three letter agencies (FBI, CIA, DOJ) had a lot to do with it. We are fighting the whole global elite power structure that want to control the world for their own financial benefit. And frankly that includes a lot of American corporations who have international business interests and want to do business with china, have made back door deals with the Chinese.... There are also untold number of politicians that have done the same thing. I am hoping that the department of defence took the Dominion servers from Germany... that is certainly who should have them given the national security risk. The Dominion servers should never been allowed in this country as it is owned internationally. Our votes were counted in Frankfurt Germany and altered in Barcelona Spain. We simply cannot allow that as the United States of America we must maintain sovereignty over our voting system. The fact this organisation was allowed to count our votes is a national disgrace. The fact this was approved I find absolutely appalling.

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