Ep 111) Left's Double Standards Now Destroying Democracy | #StopTheSteal

3 years ago

The left is full of double standards. They publicly promote socialist economies and healthcare while actively getting rich from capitalism. They will not live by the same rules they want to set for you. This is true not just for AOC but for all aspects of our country. The judicial system is two-tiered, one set of rules for Democrats (No rules really) and another set of rules for Republicans (Just existing is illegal).

The courts have even decided that Democrat Presidents have more power and authority than Republican Presidents. What Democrats do by executive order are permanent and can't be repealed while any such executive orders by Republicans can be overturned at any time. DACA is the best example of this. DACA is an illegal and unconstitutional executive order yet the courts are claiming it has to be followed and Trump can't repeal it.

The double standard is playing out in this election. Just compare the media's coverage from 2016 to today. In 2016 with zero evidence to back up their claim spent years claiming the election was stolen by Russia. Now in 2020 with mountains of evidence of fraud they claim there is none. To push this claim the media ensures only one side of the story makes it to broadcast whereby those accused of engaging in election fraud are paraded all over TV to say this was the most secure election and they did the best jobs running the election. The other side is given zero airtime to show the evidence to the contrary.

Republican Governors playing gams whereby first they claim there is no evidence of election fraud, then claim now that evidence has surfaced it's too late and there is nothing they can do.

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