Leaked Pentagon Video Reveals Vaccination Plan To Make Us Less Religious! FUNVAX And VMAT2 (God Gene)

4 years ago

This leaked Pentagon video shows what appears to be Bill Gates giving a lecture about the brain and a gene called VMAT2 to a group of men in suits and military uniforms. He talks about religion and religious fundamentalists and shows MRI brain scans. He said that the VMAT2 gene was more expressed in those with religious beliefs and if inhibited, could cause a persons brain to shift from a religious brain structure, to a non-religious brain structure. VMAT2 is the scientific name for what people term the God Gene. At the end of the clip, he says that he filed a proposal under the name FUNVAX to begin experimenting with the VMAT2 gene. He said they could use a respiratory virus to expose the population to FUNVAX and could vaccinate us to remove this gene in people.

This should make us all very, very concerned about what could be hidden in vaccines and even make us question the agendas behind SARS, MERS, and even Covid-19.

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