Frosty Aliens Predators - POD 1 + 2 - AvP2 Custom Map (Complete Playthrough)

4 years ago

Aliens vs Predator 2 singleplayer custom map titled "Frosty Aliens Predators", containing the secret levels called "POD 1" and "POD 2".

Map author: HHO.


"The Mission"

"Frosty has been sent in to Investigate. Frosty's mission is to find a way in and out of this Weyland supply ghost ship? Battle through Aliens and Humans and Lots of nasty ol preds. Is it an experiment gone wrong? Can Frosty make it?"

Map review:

As previously reviewed here , Frosty Aliens Predators (aka FAP, lol) is a massive marine-based singleplayer map reworked from an older multiplayer map. This video highlights the most recent version and probably final release of the map at the time of this upload. For reference it is called FAPSE_UPDATE2017.

This video is somewhat of a redo of my previous playthrough as I had salvaged a quick-save right before I finished the map. Turns out that the author, HHO, has hidden two "expansion levels" in the latest FAPSE map. These maps are POD 1 and POD 2. These maps warranted their own separate review anyway. They can be activated by destroying an egg right before the escape area (near where the player spawns). When the egg is destroyed, POD 1 can be accessed by a newly revealed hacking terminal. Once POD 1 is cleared, a hacking terminal opens up for POD 2 right next to it.

POD 1 is a hedge maze-style map similar to Maze1 (see previous review) with a different look and layout. The player must navigate the maze while being attacked by various enemies. Like in the Maze1 map, POD 1 has the zombie marine and health-regenerating synthetic that will chase the player until the end of the map. It's very challenging and hilarious to watch at times. If the player beats POD 1, he/she is rewarded with POD 2.

POD 2 is another maze-style map, but with an alien hive theme. This map has some traps to kill or slow down the player while fighting off aliens. If the player reaches the end of POD 2, they are teleported inside a cage with Jones. Predators are on top of the cage, while a wall slowly moves to crush Jones and the player. The predators need to be taken out, then the player is teleported again to a predator arena where the player faces off against numerous predators. Once the predators are defeated the player then returns back to the normal FAPSE map. POD 2 is a lot easier than POD 1, but the predators can be quite fast in chasing down the player. Their arena fight is a bit tough but fun nevertheless.

These "expansion levels' are quite fun to play through. I especially enjoyed POD 1. The only problem with these maps is finding them as they are hidden quite well inside the FAPSE map. I should also mention that Jones can be saved before the wall crushes him (I didn't save him) and the predators fight can be played with an exosuit, but I didn't access it earlier in the map. Make sure you check these secret levels out when you play FAPSE. I highly recommend them.

Download link:

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