MKULTRA-mkultra training no context for truth - SLAVES

4 years ago

MKULTRA subproject 128 (especially Subproject 128-1):
-dealt with rapid induction/dissociation; drugs to bypass lengthy torture regimen
-testing done @ Lexington, KT Detention Hospital
Monarch handlers prefer combo of drugs/hypnosis
-drugs given to child slaves via orange/grape/ice cream, etc., drinks
Alters used in pron hypnotized not to see cameras/faces.
Children often drugged/hypnotized in front of distortion mirrors.
Magician John Mulhollan employed by CIA.
Most Disney films used for programming; some specifically designed for mind-control.

Illuminati instruction for maintaining child's dissociation:
-15 minutes/day writing backwards
-daily doses of prolonged dark isolation
-drowning/resuscitation; refined to an exact art
-placed in freezer; also " " " " "
-unprovoked systematic punishment
-burning/face slapping
-needles under nails
-swallowing foam after chewing soap
-daily rape; pain is love, pain is pleasure

Aleister Crowley's book, '777 and other Qabalistic writings of Aleister Crowley', is potentially extremely useful for a DE-PROGRAMMER with
regards to understanding programming code links possibly used, by referencing Crowley's List of Correspondences.

Wizard of Oz (short for Osiris; Ozzy Ozbourne anyone?!?) is an occult creation by L. Frank Baum of the Theosophical Society.

The therapeutic community is heavily infiltrated with programmed multiples, near 50%.

Help lines for women in crisis are traps--.excellent source for 'breeders' (helpless women).

Christian groups claiming to help SRA victims are also fronts.
Schools, churches, Big Brothers, Boy Scouts are slave programming agenda.

Lawsuits against priests are in the hundreds, but the link to mind-control slave programming invented in antiquity and being implemented globally for a NWO, is yet to be recognized BY THE MASSES.

Programmers invoke specific 'demons/'demonic' energy via ritual to enhance particular mental functions; 'demons' Typhon and Choronzon/Horonzon are essentialin 'structuring' a programmed multiple: must be invoked before early division of mind.

Michael Berieaux-->heads up Horonzon Club-->unofficial part of Kenneth Grant's OTO.
-->'demon' Horonzon looks like a 'grey' alien and was conjured up by Sir John Dee, who was QE I's genius advisor and court sorcerer.

Transyuggothian magic is carried out to reach Transyuggothian space, AKA Trans-Plutonian space/Universe B.
The existence of these dimensions are kept very secret.
Ancient cult of Star Sirius had rituals to enter Universe B.
Sirius B represented the god Ra Hoor Khuit;
Sirius Z represented the Egyptian devil.

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