Allah: Women are stupid and destined to go to hell.

4 years ago

Christian Prince explains why according to Allah women are stupid. Allah seems not know much about them.
Audio-part comes from Craigs Wynns lecture series: Prophet of Doom.

How to find Christian Prince Live Streams:

How to download Christian Prince live Youtube streams and why.
Title of a short tutorial (3 min HOW-To video) on my channel...

Install the software, and while streaming or later one can download the video, creating one CP-Video library.


*Dr "Holes in the Narrative"* YQ:

🕳Q🕳R🕳A🕳N🕳 🤣 😁 😃 😁
" *The standard narrative has holes in it* ..."

This should be the one significant phrase for which the Year 2020 shall be remembered.

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