No, Nutty Nancy, we don't have a new president.

4 years ago

A new President? I don't think so Nutty Nancy... soon, before you know it, the entire D.C. Swamp will be completely dried up. The vaccine was developed very quickly by President Donald J. Trump, not by Sleepy, Creepy Joe who was hiding in his basement while all of that was happening.

The title, President-Elect can only be endowed on a candidate after the Electoral College awards 270 or more electoral votes on Dec. 14 this year, and not by the lying DS's(Deep State's) MSM (mainstream media). The Office of the President-Elect is a farce thought up by the demoNcrats, there no such office in the U.S. Constitution or in the legitimate U. S. Government. I expect that after all of the lawsuits of Fraud and illegality in the election are finished, our only true President, Donald J. Trump will have at least 400 electoral votes.

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