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Be A Refuge

4 years ago

Those of us who are still choosing to enjoy unmasked freedom have the privilege of being a refuge to others who are suffering from the oppression of Lord Ducey and Cara Christ's mandates. So let's keep smiling, keep encouraging, and continue to offer hope and refuge to those around us. They desperately need it!

Support JD Ball and his lawsuit against Cara Christ and the Arizona Department of Health Services. https://confessazdhs.com/
Journalist JD Ball is suing the ADHS & Dr. Christ under the Freedom of Information Act requiring ADHS to disclose the data supporting the COVID numbers they publicly claim. WE THE PEOPLE DESERVE THE TRUTH!

Unmask Our Freedom is here to remind Americans that freedom is OURS. We don't need permission to live our lives as intended by God and The US Constitution. Unmask your freedom and invite others to enjoy the light of freedom again!

Join us!
@unmaskrfreedom on Gab, Parler, Twitter, & Instagram.
"Unmask Our Freedom" on Rumble & YouTube.
Email us at forfreedom@unmaskourfreedom.org.


  • 0/2000
  • 100% back you. mask is the sign of oppression. blindly following so not to offend. it's our decision not the government to protect myself and yup it's yours to protect yourself.