Death Wave being used to boost COVID hysteria.

4 years ago

Some of you may find this interesting.
Not long ago I was talking about what I call death waves which we are currently entering here in the U.S. as the post -WW2 Baby Boomers age out and are starting to die off in increasing numbers.
My point was how I think this natural increase in death rates is being used to fuel the hysteria around C*VID 19(84).
We are entering basically a natural die-off of the elderly and the majority of people dying from C*VID 19(84) are a median age of 78 years old which also happens to be the U.S. life expectancy age.
I am not one who believes in coincidence.
I believe this natural occurrence is being used for political purposes. This video is a simulation game that I play where you build and manage your own city as it grows.
Everything that you would need to manage in a real city you must do in this game or your city fails. In this particular city, I am currently experiencing a death wave as my seniors are dying off and I thought it would be a good visual representation of what I was talking about.
I had to go through Youtube since PS4 will not link to Facebook anymore so the quality is all that good and I am not much of a narrator but I think I get my point across. Give it a watch if you're interested in a clarification of my meaning. The Twitter link shows the graph I used in my prior post pointing out the death wave that we are just now entering.

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