Acts 25 - Uncomfortable Truths

3 years ago

Paul is in prison. There are no charges that warrant him being a prisoner. The new Governor, Festus, does not know what to do with this prisoner, Paul. He approaches the King of Judea, Agrippa Jr., to help him with this situation. The King does not provide much help. The only offer made to Paul is to go to Jerusalem and stand trial before a group that has made a vow to kill him.

Paul makes it clear that he did nothing deserving of death or imprisonment. Paul appeals to Caesar!

Paul is right, he had done nothing more than preaching the good news to the Jews in Asia Minor and Greece. However, the good news is not always good news to those who don't want to hear it. It can be worse than an uncomfortable truth. Paul had included several uncomfortable truths in his letters to the churches and we're certain he was teaching these same uncomfortable truths as he went on his journeys.

Paul consistently teaches that there is a tribulation in the near future for the Jews. He also teaches that there is desolation in the near future for the Jews in Jerusalem. He teaches that there is destruction in the near future for the temple. He teaches that there is salvation, and resurrection to eternal life in Jesus Christ; and this is the good news!

In life, we will come in contact with people who teach us uncomfortable truths. In fact, I've included several uncomfortable truths in this lesson.

The truth is that all of the prophecies in the Bible have been fulfilled. The Beast of Revelation, Mr. 666 himself, is nothing more than Nero; the Caesar who was reigning and would hear the appeal of Paul.

Join us as we explore a few uncomfortable truths, just don't kill the messenger!
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Romans 3:4, "Let God be true and all men a liar."

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