MANSTRATING - Baby Yoda & Fake Outrage 17 views•Nov 14, 2020

3 years ago

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Hey everyone, Chris Simmons here with Manstrations Gaming and Today’s Manstration is about the all too often “outrage” we see on social media regarding fictional, that’s fake for those playing at home, characters.

By now, if you have a pulse, you’ve probably heard all about the internet turning on poor baby Yoda. The former sweetheart of social media was seen, gasp, eating eggs in Season 2 Episode 2 of Disney’s hit TV series, The Mandalorian.

I spent a good deal of time on Twitter (terrible idea) trying to figure out exactly why everyone was so angry at this little green baby eating eggs. From what I can tell, people are angry because the eggs are the last eggs our new friend the Frog alien (species unknown) is able to have, and baby Yoda thinks they’re delicious. Personally, I thought the various scenes where he eats the eggs were hilarious, but I’m a normal well-adjusted human-being…

So, a couple of things.

First, let’s pretend this is real… The eggs aren’t fertilized. They’re just eggs. They’re the same as the eggs in my fridge right now…

Second, and more importantly, IT’S NOT REAL. It’s a TV show with pretend creatures. Mandalorians aren’t real. Yoda, adult or baby version, isn’t real. Frog lady and her eggs, not real. It’s not real people. Get a grip.

Lastly, baby Yoda is a BABY. Not only is it a baby, but it is basically a wild animal. Do you know what animals do when they’re hungry? They eat! He ate Frog lady’s eggs. He ate the weird xenomorph like eggs. He’s eaten “living” creatures in other episodes. It’s what he does!

Getting angry over what happens in a fictional TV show is about the definition of manstrating. It reminds me of when people threatened the life of Laura Bailey because her fictional character in The Last of Us Part II had the audacity to kill another fictional character in The Last of Us Part II… Absurd.

For the love of God, get a grip, folks.

-Chris Simmons
Semper Fi

#Mandalorian #Starwars #video #videoftheday #opinion #vid #yoda #babyyoda

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