Cotton Field Harvested Bundled into Rolls like Hay!

3 years ago

It’s cotton pickin’ time and the fields located near our house are snowy white with cotton that’s ready to be harvested. This scene above is one that I’ve taken for granted.
interested in cotton, and that discovery started with this box of cotton that I sent my friend from On Sutton Place. She mentioned in a post that she wanted some cotton bolls to use in decorating, and I boxed up some and sent them to her. You can see how she used them in her kitchen and in making a cotton boll wreath.

Cotton is a product that we use from the time we wake up in the morning and dry our faces with a cotton towel to the time we climb into bed at night between cotton sheets. It’s hard to make it through a day without using numerous cotton products, including food, soaps, and cosmetics. Cotton is, the most important plant known to man.

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