CCP-Virus Pandemic Daily Updates EP315 (Dec 05, 2020)

3 years ago

CCP-Virus Pandemic Daily Updates EP315 (Dec 05, 2020)
📌A victim accused Joe Biden of sexual assault: I was afraid to speak out at that time but emotionally it was hard.
📌The CCP’s media quoted a foreign media to say that the CCP’s vaccines are safe and more attractive.
📌The scale of local bond issuance in Communist China reached a record high, approaching an alarming level.
📌A poor father could not afford to raise his daughters, but the CCP announced everyone has been lifted out of poverty.
📌Bob Unanue: President trump’s call for immediate termination of 230 is the only way this country can be saved from the technology and social media oligarchs and the left that they control.
📌Jenna Ellis: This is about election integrity. This is about making sure that the people of the state of Michigan are not disenfranchised based on fraud and corruption.


#CCPVirus #CCP #CCPChina #JoeBidenCrimeFamily #JoeBidenUkraineScandal #BidenCrimeFamilyExposed #stopthesteal #Verifythevote #Voterfraud #Trump #prayforamerica #Whistleblowermovement #TakeDownCCP #TheNewFedralStateOfChina

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