Re-Labeling and Re-Branding -- Tricks of Corporate Propagandists December 5, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

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Re-Labeling and Re-Branding -- Tricks of Corporate Propagandists December 5, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

This past week I took time to show you an example of "Dissembling" and how that trick of the propaganda masters works, and how they use dissembling to make up new or totally unimportant arguments as a distraction away from the truth or the actual issue under discussion.

In that case, they were trying to claim that The Nuremberg Code only applies to "experimental medicine", when in fact the Code says exactly what it applies to and it applies to all medical procedures and therapies.

See the sleight of hand? The "re-framing" of the information to make it appear to mean something else? And the dishonesty involved, too?

Yes, it is dishonesty, because I quoted the actual Code and wrote it down word-for-word and anyone who actually reads the words knows what it says and what it applies to. There no honest argument possible, so they had to turn to dishonesty and try to "re-direct" the information to different erroneous conclusions.

There was no excuse in the context of the discussion to claim anything else or different, but they did so in an attempt to obfuscate the simple truth and artificially limit the application of The Nuremberg Code, which fully admits and supports our absolute right to refuse any forced medical procedure or therapy, including forced vaccination.

The Nazis didn't like it then and they don't like it now, but there it is.

This same process of twisting and re-directing information and the meaning of information is demonstrated again by both "re-labeling" and "re-branding" information.

With "re-branding" if a product doesn't succeed under one name or logo, the company promoting it simply renames and comes up with a new "package" for it. Crispy Critter Cutlets becomes Kansas City Steaks. The cute patchwork cut-outs of cows on the package becomes a black and white rendition of a red-eyed bull ---- and voila, the product is the same, but the name and package, the "brand" has changed, and the market will reliably react to this change.

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