Mental Health Awareness and DeEscalation

4 years ago

In this episode of PACER Integrative Behavioral Health, you will learn about CRAVES--Calmness, Responsiveness, Acceptance, Validation, Empowerment and Safety to establish rapport and help people who are in distress. Signs of distress
Depression –Hopelessness & Helplessness
Difficulty concentrating
Recognize dysphoric symptoms represent an emotional reaction to
A threat (loss of a sense of safety and control– unsafe, disempowered)
Loss of something that was important

What not to say (most of the time)
I understand
Calm down
Overt invalidation (If you can talk, you can breathe)
What to say to someone who is in distress … Empathize and validate with their current thoughts and feelings (even if you do not agree)
I can see that you are feeling…
This situation feels very terrifying
I can imagine how scary it feels to not have control

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