Fakebook is attacknig Jesus and Santa!

3 years ago

Play this video and if what you see is "sensitive" then you are part of the problem we have in this nation at the moment. Liberals, of the growing Socialist Democrat kind, will do everything they can to remove Jesus from our national conversation--including banning, blocking, and tagging anything to do with Him.

Here is the text that went with the video.

"My dear precious Jesus, I did not mean to take your place,
I only bring toys and things and you bring love and grace.
People give me lists of wishes and hope that they came true;
But you hear prayers of the heart and promise your will to do.
Children try to be good and not to cry when I am coming to town;
But you love them unconditionally and that love will abound.
I leave only a bag of toys and temporary joy for a season;
But you leave a heart of love, full of purpose and reasons.
I have a lot of believers and what one might call fame;
But I never healed the blind or tried to help the lame.
I have rosy cheeks and a voice full of laughter;
But no nail—scarred hands or a promise of the hereafter.
You may find several of me in town or at a mall;
But there is only one omnipotent you, to answer a sinner’s call.
And so, my dear precious Jesus, I kneel here to pray;
To worship and adore you on this, your holy birthday."

The birth, life, and death of Jesus is at the very foundation of our faith. Socialists are terrified of Jesus because He represents the Big-R Rights that are given by God and enshrined in the Constitution. Blanking out videos is but one way they will be trying to intimidate you in the coming 4-years. Believers WILL BE persecuted at every level of life. You MUST fight back by leaving the tyrannical platforms, or at the very least reduce your presence which generates their income. Use Facebook blockers in your browsers, VPNs, and use Duck-Duck-Go to bypass their insidious tracking. Oh and whenever you see such nonsense as this force them to answer for it by exposing it!

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