20-Minute Podcast #3 The Gospel

3 years ago

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What saves a person? What gives these heroes of the faith the power that they possess? There are some people in the ministry who speak with conviction, and act with purpose, and something in them seems different? What is that? It is the power of the Holy Spirit, stemming from a life in submission to God. The first step to obtain that power is to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Romans 10:9 says, "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." In order to live a life in ministry effectively, one has to "go back to the basics" with this very verse, and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ.

In this episode, I will discuss that with a story from an outreach in Nepal. I hope you enjoy it, and are blessed by it.

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