Stop Believing November 30, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

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Stop Believing November 30, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

Let's go back in our minds to 1972 and the Watergate Scandal. President Nixon's Republican Campaign spied on the Democratic National Committee Headquarters in Washington, DC.
This bungled attempt to obtain intel on the Democratic Party's election strategy led to two years of newspaper exposes and snarking that led to Nixon's resignation.
It was a nasty, divisive, and in the end, damaging experience, for all concerned.
I was in my late teens and remember it well, so I can tell you with certainty that the issues and the corruption we are facing now are 100,000 times worse than anything we saw during Watergate.
Following the natural law that we become whatever we hate and fear, the Democrats have become the monsters and have so far out-stripped Tricky Dick that comparison seems futile.
A couple of burglars bumbling around an office in the dead of night just doesn't compare to a multinational computerized vote rigging scheme involving multiple foreign countries and traitors at the helm of our intelligence agencies.
It's like comparing Mickey Mouse to Godzilla.
Yet, we shouldn't be surprised. This is, after all, the President who suffered four years of unrelenting and completely unjustified accusations of "Russian collusion" from the same overtly biased (and foreign) Press Corps that has now --- completely without authority --- "declared" the election of Joe Biden.
If we were outraged and if our faith was undermined by Watergate, we should be far more outraged today, and if we had any faith in what purports to be "American Journalism" the last vestiges of that should be gone now, too.
Not only did the Press Corps falsely report, inflate, and perpetuate the bogus Russian collusion story---- and then fall silent without an apology, either to President Trump or the American People, they've ginned up the triumph of Joe Biden out of thin air and attempted to substitute themselves for the Electoral College.
And after weeks of spouting that there is "no evidence" of election fraud, when faced with absolute proof of election fraud, these same self-important and dishonest excuses-for-journalists refuse to face facts and cover the actual news. And you are left asking --- how could this be?
How could any of it be?
Well, it's really quite simple. The CIA used techniques and technology that it developed to commandeer foreign elections on us. We let them act as criminals and let them interfere in the electoral process of other nations, so they lost track of what is right and wrong, and simply used their bag of tricks at home.
Criminality breeds. Lack of moral compass comes home to roost. Whatever you do to others, comes back to you. It's called karma. And what appears to be bad luck or the Flying Fickle Finger of Fate is actually the comeback.

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