An Explanation for the World November 25, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

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An Explanation for the World November 25, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

We have to deal with the corporations because that is how the Pope and the Queen decided to structure their business operations in this country back in the 1860-70's.
The Queen and the Pope and the Lord Mayor are our Subcontractors. They set up the corporations as THEIR Subcontractors. And their corporations then hired subcontractors of their own --- all the departments and agencies and their subcontractors, too.
That means that when they, the Queen, the Pope, and the Lord Mayor all bankrupt THEIR subcontracting corporations and cause all this turmoil, we have to sort through THEIR mess and deal with THEIR corporate personnel.
There are two giant governmental services corporations involved. The UNITED STATES, INC. and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Inc. The UNITED STATES, INC. has been liquidated in involuntary bankruptcy, with the result that there is no longer an office of "President of the United States". They have tried to reboot a new municipal corporation to replace the UNITED STATES, INC. and act as a Successor to the contract established by The Constitution of the United States, but we have declined the option to accept that Successor to Contract.
If the Pope wants to continue to do business here there has to be a meeting of the minds and a renegotiation with us, The United States of America [Unincorporated]. The Municipal Subcontractors have gone wildly astray from their constitutional limitations and duties and have been running roughshod over their Employers. That has to end and all the Municipal Corporations that have been created and allowed to operate unlawfully have to be restructured and redirected.
Biden is a money-launderer and racketeer on a very large scale and he never keeps his word about anything. It's impossible to work with someone like that, because they are constantly changing tracks, altering plans, and seeking some advantage for themselves or their cronies instead of attending to the actual business at hand.
He may or may not have been elected to the office of "President of the United States" but that is a moot point, because as I pointed out, the office no longer exists because the UNITED STATES, INC. no longer exists, and there is equally no point in trying to front some new Municipal Corporation to act as Successor and try to say that Biden is "President" of that new would-be Successor organization, because that Successor doesn't have a contract with us and we are not assuming any contract with it.
This is just business.
Imagine that you have a contract with XYZ Snow Removal Company, Inc. and they go bankrupt. When they go bankrupt, another corporation that owns XYZ's debts, call it--- Big Snow Removal, Inc., comes in and takes over the materials and equipment and personnel of XYZ, and shows up at your door and starts shoveling.
At that point, you have the right to say, "Hey, who are you? I don't have a contract with Big Snow Removal, Inc. and I am not assuming a Successor contract."

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