Get It Straight, People --- And Then Tell Others November 23, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

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Get It Straight, People --- And Then Tell Others November 23, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

What you have misidentified as "your" Government all these years are in fact two very large commercial corporations in the business of providing governmental services.

They have profit motives in selling you (and charging you) for as many such services as possible, whether or not you want those "services".

This is called "strong arm racketeering" or extortion. Take your pick.

That is what your public employees have been engaged in while you have been asleep at the wheel.

Please note that they, not you, are the ones who have been acting as "sovereign citizens" ---- lording it over their employers and ruling over the public at the same time that they are public servants and taking their paychecks from your pockets.

They have attempted to paper over these illegal activities (purportedly undertaken in your behalf, but against your own best interests and against the directions you left them in the constitutional agreements) by claiming that you are not you, that you are in fact a Municipal "citizen of the United States", and/or a British Territorial U.S. Citizen --- and in either case, a person who was never owed any constitutional guarantees or protections.

So now both of these huge corporations are bankrupt.

One of them, the Municipal Corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES, INC. is defunct. This commercial corporation and its offices--- including "President of the United States"---no longer exist.

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