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4 years ago

DOG$ book description:
This weekend, in Washington, D.C., a disgraced former Congressman named Gavin Prestaen and three small-businessmen stumble on jihadists bio-militarizing 500 stolen dogs with The Lash of Allah – “Unendurable pain, infinitely prolonged.” As the attack clock counts down, paralyzing political correctness costs lives, while an ambitious rogue FBI agent decides Prestaen himself is the terrorist mastermind. So, saving the Nation’s Capital is now up to four unprepared citizen vigilantes, and, in Herb Borkland’s full-tilt cut-throat madhouse of a novel, Prestaen is reborn as a new kind of hero – the kind who ends up becoming “the most hated American of the 21st century.”
To buy the censored eBook version of #DOG$ - please shop here:
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(Paperback is available as well)

Please check out other awesome books written by Herbert Borkland!
https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/herbork (paperback and ebook available)

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