Let Us Stand --- On This Anniversary November 22, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

4 years ago

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Let Us Stand --- On This Anniversary November 22, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

Oh, Father in Heaven, let your mercy find us even now, for we have sinned in letting the joy of our own lives distract us from the Justice you demand.

We failed to prosecute those responsible for the death of Abraham Lincoln and let scapegoats suffer instead.

We failed again when we let those who killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy escape and profit themselves by his murder. We let them blame their crimes on innocent men.

We failed again when we turned away from fact and reason, and let the Liars tell their story about 911 and what happened at the World Trade Center.

We failed RFK.
We failed MLK.
We failed the Weaver Family at Ruby Ridge.
We failed the Branch Davidians at Waco.
We failed LaVoy Finicum and his family, too.
We have failed millions of people around the world.

We confess it, Father. We repent it, to our souls.

Time after time, we have known that something was wrong, that things didn't fit, and yes, that we were being lied to ---- and yet, we did nothing.

We let Blue Ribbon Committees paper-over the murder of the innocent and we did not pursue and punish the criminals.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2020/11/let-us-stand-on-this-anniversary.html

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Thank you. ~ Ed

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