SEROTONIN [SSRI] - Binaural Beats & Subliminal Messages (Depression Treatment, Improved Mood)

4 years ago

Serotonin [SSRI] - is a production based on binaural beats and subliminal messages, that is created to increase serotonin level in brain in the simmilar way to typical selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI). Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, that carries signals between varied brain cells. SSRI will block the reuptake of serotonin in the brain, and in result make more serotonin active. SSRI are made to treat and tone depression syndroms.
This production is created to induce SSRI's effects i.a.: improved mood, sense of well-being, increased alertness and decreased pain.
It is also created to be side-effects free (unlike typical SSRI drugs). Nonetheless I don't recommend to listen to it more than two times in a row!

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