Beyond The Noise ~ Could Trump Declare Martial Law For Voter Fraud?

4 years ago

Beyond The Noise ~ Full Show ~ 3rd December 2020.

Could Trump Declare Martial Law For Voter Fraud?

In today's video we are breaking down AG Barr's comment about widespread voter fraud. Could he possibly have some other hidden intentions? The wildcard that is now AG Barr along with the DOJ, will it benefit Trump or not? That is a long term question to be answered.

President Trump released an address to the nation that contained his conviction to handle the voter integrity issue across the nation.

Nevada had a vote for cash issue that was found out by the EpochTimes recently. People from American Indian reserves were seen entering raffles and draws for voting. We also analyze whether or not Trump would potentially enact the martial law to gain control of the situation involving voter fraud, what would be the necessary process before it gets to the point.

All that and more on Beyond The Noise with David Zhang.

Never Back Down! Never Lose Faith! Never Give Up!

🏍Godspeed President🏆Donald J Trump🏆🏍

I'll try upload news shows that report fairly the day after they've aired.

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Please Share the Hell out of any Voter Fraud / Election Fraud Incidents.


⇊⇊ Official Voter Fraud - 2020 ⇊⇊

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