4 years ago

Turning a detached pool house/garage into an apartment (or Air BnB option).

This was our first client project as Busted Cribs...it's not common that we provide client work due to the structure of our renovation and real estate investment business, but these were good friends of ours and we wanted to see how it would turn out.

This apartment is NICE! Located in a great, Safety Harbor location in Tampa Bay, this will be a sweet gig for both the renter and homeowner.

In this episode, we show you all of the progress we've made on the apartment and THE REVEAL! We also discuss numbers in how we "house hacked" this project, and give you some tips on how to house hack YOUR property/home.

Rental real estate is a fantastic way to raise your income, as well as help you get started in other investments like renovating homes (like us!).

If you haven't seen the other two videos where we dive in deeper to the project, make sure you check that out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yWA3...)

If you're looking for more videos and merch, make sure to check out our website: BustedCribs.com

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