Bulldog Canyon - Hard but worth it.

3 years ago

After reading about a trail here locally just inside Tonto National Forest, we decided to check it out. A permit was required to get the gate opened but we took care of all the necessary paperwork directly online. Bulldog Canyon was rated as easy to moderate and according to the book we purchased from amazon, (Check it out here - amazon.com/gp/product/1934838195/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) the trail was in better than expected condition. Well apparently that was some time ago. We found the trail from Bush Hwy about a third of the way in to be decent shape. There were some rocks exposed but nothing too hard to get through. The next third proved to be getting worse and worse and was making a kidney salad with the exposed and loose rocks. The last third of the trail was the worst as it was mainly a scramble over beach ball sized rocks while dodging pointed ones in the driveway.

Overall, it was a fun but hard day behind the wheel and the next couple days I felt the fatigue the trail had bestowed upon my out of shape body. We would certainly go back through again and maybe do some exploring on side trails and such. Definitely pack a lunch and take plenty of water with you. You'll need it.

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