Total Body Fire-Up Fat Burner Muscle Toner

4 years ago

Push through those climbers as hard as you can so you really get all the benefits out of the slower knee-cross intervals.

This HIIT circuit will accelerate heat to the muscles and fat over your entire body making this not only an excellent 4 minutes of training for increasing your aerobic and anaerobic thresholds...

...(which translated from geek speak means improving your overall fitness and making your next workout BETTER)...

...but it also taxes the glycogen in your muscles while hiking up the heart rate...a beautiful accelerant to pulling from fat stores to produce energy.

Follow up an interval like this with any kind of consistent movement such as walking, jogging, even cleaning the house or running errands (as long as you're not sitting in a carseat)...and you've got a nice "metabolic booster" as the kids like to say.

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