Mike Tyson's Legends Only League Is Potentially A Viable Post-Career Alternatives For Athletes

4 years ago

The reception was great for the initial "Legends Only League" event, except for the Robinson Family (RIP Nate). The Main Event between Mike Tyson and Roy Jones Jr. delivered as well as two gentlemen in their 50's could, and the undercard was loaded with Championship fights and star power. All in all, a successful outing.

Based on what the entity proports to do, there is a lot of potential for older athletes who still have a desire to take up their vocation once again to contribute to all of our entertainment.

I really like the idea as there really is nowhere else for a lot of these legends and former athletes to go after their careers are over.

Sports Illustrated: https://www.si.com/boxing/2020/11/29/mike-tyson-roy-jones-legends-only-league-results
LoL: https://legendsonlyleague.com/pages/about
My MMA News: https://mymmanews.com/does-mike-tysons-legends-only-league-carve-out-a-problem-solving-niche/

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#tyson #jonesjr #legendsonlyleague

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