•★ The Art of War Pt. 2 - The 4th Reich

3 years ago

Be sure to watch part one 1st. Also The "He that hath an Ear" video on this channel.

•★  The Art of War Pt. 2 - The 4th Reich

Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Transhumanism Agenda, Religious/Spiritual Leaders, Symbolism, The Great Reset, The NWO

What does the future look like for humanity? Your leaders have a plan for you and it's one you might be surprised by. Would you sign a contract without reading the fine print? Educate yourself on the situation we are in and where we are heading after "the shot", unless we decide otherwise.

In Tarot:

Major Arcana = Represent the life lessons, karmic influences and the big archetypal themes that are influencing your life and your soul's journey to enlightenment. It's the structure of human consciousness and holds the keys to life lessons passed down through the ages.  

The Hierophant

Spiritual wisdom, religious beliefs, conformity, tradition, institutions, personal beliefs, freedom, challenging the status quo. The Hierophant is a religious figure sitting between two pillars, symbolizing law and liberty or obedience and disobedience, of a sacred temple. He wears three robes – red, blue and white – and a three-tiered crown, both representing the three worlds over which he rules (the conscious, subconscious and superconscious). The keys to Heaven are at his feet.  In his left hand, he holds the Papal Cross, a triple scepter that signifies his religious status. He raises his right hand in a religious blessing, with two fingers pointing towards Heaven and two towards Earth. Before him kneel two followers. The Hierophant’s task is to pass down his spiritual wisdom and initiate the two into the church so they can take up their appointed roles.

This imagery speaks to a shared group identity and a rite of passage to enter the next level. The crossed keys at the Hierophant’s feet represent the balance between the conscious and subconscious minds and the unlocking of mysteries, which only he can teach.

Meaning: Hierophant stands for tradition and convention. It can represent marriage in an arranged setup. It can also mean a teacher or counsellor who will help in learning / education of the querent. 

Upright card (keywords): Education, Learning, Marriage, Religion, Seeking counsel or advice, Spiritual guidance, Tradition

Reversed card (keywords): Abuse of position, Breakdown, Poor counsel, Rejection of family values

Element: Earth

Ruling planet: Venus


The number 5 in the Bible is significant because of God's creation, the 'man' has five fingers, five senses and five toes. Thus it is the number of God's grace. There are five great mysteries: Father, Son, Spirit, Creation and Redemption

Angel Number 555 is a clear sign from the angels that changes are in store for us.
0 is the Alpha (beginning) and Omega (the highest) as there is no beginning and no end; all is infinite. The ancients proclaimed that the ‘God force’ is a circle whose center is everywhere and its circumference is nowhere. Zero is the symbol of ‘nothingness’ and denotes freedom from limitations in this material world. Zero is the number of the ‘God’ force and Universal Energies and reinforces, amplifies and magnifies the vibrations of the numbers it appears with. The number zero encompasses the attributes of all other numbers, and brings one closer to the ‘God force’ or ‘Source’.     

Psychology, Spirituality, Politics, Hidden Agendas and Mad Scientists as it relates to current events.

There are many “ enemies “. The enemy can also be the enemy within, being our own worst enemy. If you don’t know yourself and how you have been conditioned , poisoned (health wise) , manipulated, indoctrinated etc., you won’t recognize your own inability to see or understand the various weapons used against you from the time you come into the world.

For the record. I’m not religious/ affiliate with any particular religious group. I was baptized Catholic, my mother's side affiliated with that religion. My father's side of the family were Baptist. My grandparents were Deacons in their church. I am more Spiritual. I use certain Bible verses as they relate to what is being spoken about. Interesting how it lines up with a warning from long ago. Whoever wrote it, knew it was a possibility so it was warned and here we are. There is a Gematria element and the roles of the usual players at the tip of the pyramid but that's coming in future videos. The possible is our current reality. In this video I show many things, it's not a "religious" video. It’s the multiple agendas I focus on. I do believe in God and the Demonic. I believe in good and evil. I also know that we are fighting a battle in Spiritual and Psychological Warfare. Some don't even realize this fact.

People operate on different levels of awareness. Some of the info presented you may already know and some you may not. I try to appeal to all so all may understand.

In regards to Michael Jackson- I'm aware of what he was & what he wasn't, what he is & what he isn't. I'll always have love for him. I know what he was up against & the dangers it posed for him. He was a threat. They build you up & take you down especially if you go against/speak out about them. Prince was another.

In regards to Climate Change and the truth around Green Energy check out the movie by Michael Moore on the Tube called Planet of the Humans.


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