God Bless the USMCA - A #MusicalMeme

4 years ago

In #Canada today, there are a few #CanadianPatriots that we need to promote and CELEBRATE!

#NormanTraversy @roccogalatilaw @ezralevant @RebelNewsOnline #USMCA
@Justice_4Canada @JCCFCanada

Lee Greenwood’s song is so amazing, it makes me want to be American! I trust he won’t mind that I've re-purposed it for another group of down-trodden #Patriots in #Canada.

In honour of #CoronaLockDown2 please share my latest Video..

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GOD Bless the USMCA

Written by Lee Greenwood ~ Adapted by RAW Q Boswin

If tomorrow common sense were gone that we’ve had all our lives.
We’d let a virus sent from CHINA, attack us not just once, but twice.
We’d thank our lucky stars to be COVID free today!
And when the FakesNews says believe’em, COVID19’s here to stay!

Well I’m proud to be a Canadian, But I won’t be Quarantined!
And I don’t forget my rights that died when they put this mask on me!
So I’ll gladly stand up, Let’s ALL sue, Let Norman lead the way!
Cuz there ain’t no doubt, We LOVE his PLAN!
And the USMCA ….

Chapter 27 in particular! Its a pretty good one!

From a lab in Manitoba, through the Communist Regime,
This 19th strain infects us, Until we sent in our Calvary…
There’s no point in refusing, don’t put that mask away…
Til there’s fear in every Canadian heart
About the Quarantine camps today…

Well, I’m proud to be a Canadian, But I won’t be Quarantined
And I won’t forget my rights denied when they put this ASS on me!
So I’ll gladly stand up, Let’s ALL sue! Let Rocco lead the way!
Cuz there ain’t no doubt, We LOVE his PLAN!
And the USMCA

Cuz We’re proud to be Canadians, But we won’t be Quarantined!
And we won’t forget our rights denied when they locked us down last Spring!
So we’ll gladly stand up, Let’s all sue, Let Ezra lead the way!
Cuz there ain’t no doubt, We LOVE this LAND!
And the USMCA

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