Blue Pill

3 years ago

Original song by Kelly Powers
Running from a great awakening that spurned my soul to think.Outside the bounds of acceptable opinion I faced rejection and disdain.I know this truth I have uncovered is as solid as a rock yet the burden to do whats right is to much to bear.The hidden hands of systemic oppression are wrapped around my throat with every exercise of free speech I suffocate and choke.I have accused the usual suspects were all aloud to blame yet these hands around my throat are my own.The sacrifice of friends and family is to much to repay Id settle for a safe acceptance where choice is taken away Id be a traitor to my nation and my faith I would betray bluepill please erase my guilt and shame. the day I let the truth die the simulation began to play universal diverse equality makes us all the same yet I can chase my bliss add infinitum with no price to pay as long as I continue to lie to you too.

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