Triceps Toning Interval Training

3 years ago

Improve the shape, definition and especially the strength of your triceps. As you develop this small group of muscles you will transform the shape and appearance of your arms.

Pick a weight that starts to really challenge you by the third round.

Place your forearm against your forehead and gently make contact with the opposite arm, just below the elbow. This is to help maintain the working arm in the same position, which should stay close to your ear. It's important to keep the arm from shoulder to elbow completely stationary as you lower the forearm and dumbbell. This ensures that you are isolating the triceps muscles in the back of the arm.

Hold your arm vertically overhead with or without a light to medium weight dumbbell.

Keep the working arm in that upright position as close as possible to your ear through every repetition. Do not allow the arm to drift away from the ear.

Bend your elbow to lower the forearm and dumbbell till it's just behind your head and then immediately return the dumbbell overhead. Squeeze the triceps as you extend the arm back overhead.

Keep a nice strong grip on your dumbbell the whole time to train your hand grip while working the arm.

Maintain a soft bend in the knees and brace the abs to support a fluid movement.

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