Pull the Pin Already (Episode # 37): Will there be a Civil War in the Country?

4 years ago

Pull the Pin Already (Episode # 37): Will there be a Civil War in the Country?: Jim, Mike and James discuss the pending “Civil War” coming in this country as mentioned on many media outlets today. Pull the Pin Already discuss whether or not they believe the war is coming and what it will look like should it render itself. PTPA gives opinions on whether or not they believe the war is upon us and if so, why or why not? Is the war going to be as people are saying with people in the streets gathering together based on political affiliation or will it be based on Class? Based on your military service/career what’s your take on this topic? Do you believe there’s a war brewing in America? What was your take on the different opinions expressed during the show? Let them know by discussing your own views in the comments below. If you like what they have to say click the like button below and share this video with your friends. Don’t forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell for future episodes.

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