ePS - 034 - vIVA aMERICA

4 years ago

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Male Moneys Prefer Boy Toys
Here we go again. Another proof that there are differences between males and females. This time we remove the social constructs altogether. Monkeys don't have a point of reference when it comes to boy toys or girl toys but so how the males choose boy toys and the girls choose girl toys. How do they even know that the toys are made for boys or girls? There has to be something built into their DNA that females will choose the dolls and boys will choose the trucks.

Self Deference Ring
This ring looks pretty cool but people don't normally punch this way. I guess its better than nothing. Buy it here: https://goguarded.com/

Girl Pushed Off Bridge
The girl that pushed her should definitely be charged with a crime, battery. She should all be liable to pay for any medical bills and also be sued for pain and suffering.

Couple Having Sex The Wrong Way
A young healthy couple was trying to conceive for a long time, dispute having sex regularly nothing was happening. The woman eventually went to the Drs to find out if anything was wrong. after speaking with the Dr she told him that sex was painful so the dr decided to have a look. eventually, it came out that they have been having sex the wrong way for four years. the dr gave them a sex-ed handbook and shortly after they got pregnant. In appreciation, the couple gave the Dr a chicken and 100 eggs. True freaking story


Alex Jones Busted Watching Tranny Porn
As a man, that talks a lot of crap about gays he sure does have an interest in them. Alex Jones posted a video on his website while showing his phone, as he closed the web page all his other pages popped up for mere seconds. The crack reporters on Reddit were on the case, not only did they find out what kind of porn he had open but they found the actual clip, bravo.

News Anchor Crush
As a kid, I (Nolo) watched whatever news my grandmother put on, but one stood out. The reason it stood out was that there was a woman that captured my eye, she was smart and beautiful. As a kid I had a crush on a news reporter, yea I said it. Some people have crushes on singers or actors. Me, I had one on a news anchor. To this day my heart smiles when she comes on the news. So who is this lady?, I'm glad you asked. Her name is Dari Alexander on Fox 5 in New York. If your reading this Dari (or Ms. Alexander if you like) Thank you for all your years of service and a personal thank you from me for turned a boy into a man

Nolo"s childhood news crush: Dari Alexander

Jose's anchor crush: Kayla Mamelak

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