Hypnosis to Unblock Chakras | Unblock and Balance All 7 Chakras

4 years ago

Unblock and balance all 7 chakras with this guided hypnosis to unblock chakras. Starting at Muladhara, or your "root chakra" & ending with Sahasrara, or the "crown chakra"
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This session can be used as either a guided hypnosis session or guided meditation. It is great for anyone on any knowledge-level of working with chakras. It attempts to instill basic information on all seven major chakras of Kundalini yoga. The chakras are introduced in this order:

Muladhara Chakra - Root - RED
Svadhishthana Chakra - Sacral - ORANGE
Manipura Chakra - Solar Plexus - YELLOW
Anahata Chakra - Heart - GREEN
Vishuddha Chakra - Throat - TURQUOISE
Ajna Chakra - Brow (Third Eye) - INDIGO
Sahasrara – Crown (of Head) - PURPLE

The greatest way to learn is to teach, so this is what I am doing with this session. I hope to offer many more like this in the future.

❣️ Have my sessions been helpful? Please consider offering a small donation: https://paypal.me/BrainSpankingU

- Antony Reed

Imagine starting your new life TODAY! So COMMIT to creating a new you and Take action NOW! You deserve this!

What to keep in mind about hypnosis:
* No program can guarantee results. If you don't want to change your current life habits, hypnosis will not help.
* Hypnosis cannot make you do anything you don't want to do. It isn't "mind control". That's just a myth brought to us by the entertainment industry.
* You cannot get "stuck" in a hypnotic trance. That's another myth from the Big Screen... Thanks a lot, Hollywood!

Music: "Hypnotica (Theta)" by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. https://www.christopherlloydclarke.com. Licensed by Enlightened Audio.
[Antony Reed is a certified hypnotist. He is not a medical doctor or psychiatrist and this video is not to be taken as medical or psychological advice or therapy. If you have a medical issue, please consult your doctor before undergoing hypnosis.]

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