Fertilizing Japanese Maples

4 years ago

Fertilize Japanese Maples

What should I fertilize my Japanese maple with?

When should I fertilize my Japanese maple?

Can I use liquid fertilizer on my Japanese maple?

When should I stop fertilizing my Japanese maple?

All these questions about fertilizing are answered in this video.

For more care information on Japanese maples click below: https://mrmaple.com/pages/care-of-japanese-maples

Japanese maples are extremely easy to care for. The less you do the better. Japanese maples do not like a lot of nitrogen so fertilizers are not necessary. When purchasing fertilizer, there are 3 numbers N-P-K. The first number, N, is the nitrogen amount. You want to make sure this number is 15 or under. We do not recommend fertilizing with fish emulsion. Fertilizers with low amounts of nitrogen can be used in the early spring, however it is not necessary. All fertilizing should be stopped by June 1st.


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