Stinchfield ~ Full Show ~ 25th November 2020.

3 years ago

Stinchfield ~ Full Show ~ 25th November 2020. Newsmax.

Now they're talking about investigating President Trump Again! For What? even they don't know the answer to that.

I Despise these vile left-wing scofflaws; they're corrupt to the core. The way they flout the law, like it's theirs to do as they please, the way they've treated the Trump campaign is nothing short of criminal. The way they've treated General Mike Flynn, this is the behaviour of authoritarian tyrants and transgressors. And it never ends. Until all these crooks who're inhabiting the FBI, DOJ, Congress, Judiciary are brought to justice, they will carry on blatantly.

Never Back Down! Never Lose Faith! Never Give Up!

🏍Godspeed President🏆Donald J Trump🏆🏍

I'll try to upload news shows that report fairly the day after they've aired.

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Please Share the Hell out of any Voter Fraud / Election Fraud Incidents.


⇊⇊ Official Voter Fraud - 2020 ⇊⇊



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