Critical Theory: The Destruction of Sexuality

4 years ago

In the 1930s, the work of Horkhemimer, Adorno, Fromm and Marcuse culminated in their first work, which they called "Critical Theory". Criticizing each of the aspects, characteristics and institutions of Western society expect that society to collapse. Horkheimer wrote: "Logic is not independent of content." That means that an argument is logical if it helps to destroy Western culture and is illogical if it supports it. This twisted thought was at the center of political correctness today instilled in American universities. Using Critical Theory, one repeats and repeats that Western societies are history's greatest repositories of racism, sexism, misogyny, nativism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, anti-Semitism, fascism, and Nazism. According to one of his most delirious theses, known as "queer theory", which is promoted as a "scientific explanation" of human sexuality, all "sexual orientations" (both heterosexuality and homosexuality) and sexual identity or Gender of the people are the result of a "social construction".

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