Kalergi Plan: The Extinction of The White Race

4 years ago

"The man of the future will be race-mixed."
—Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi

The Kalergi Plan consists of the genocide of white people through miscegenation and mass immigration of non-whites to Europe. This plan, drawn up in 1923 by Count Richard Kalergi, is inspired by human mastery over farm animals. It seeks to generate a passive, tame, predictable and manipulable mixed race, of inferior character and intelligence, over which the Jewish aristocratic elite could eternally rule, since this inferior mind would prevent them from organizing to rebel, and even realize that they are dominated.

The term Eurasian-Negroid race can be found in Kalergi's books. That is what the Suprematist Zionists are desperately trying to achieve. The extinction of all cultures and races, particularly the European. Kalergi shared the opinion of Joseph Arthur de Gobineau on the high performance of the white race, especially the Nordic sub-race, but did not aspire to the promotion, conservation and strengthening of it, but its destruction.
Hitler was aware of Kalergi's plan and did everything in his power to prevent it. Like Gobineau, Hitler considered the Aryan race to be the noblest, the best armed for the struggle for existence, the most beautiful, the most energetic, and the one with the greatest amount of creative genius. What this race lost by mixing it was not compensated by what the others gained by ennoblement. " It has always happened that the decline of civilizations has occurred because they contaminated their blood. This is the inexorable Law.
For National Socialism, the cultural integrity of European peoples can only be achieved through Rassenseele's idea, "religion in the blood." The idea of ​​race unifies people spiritually and supreme values ​​such as heroism and honor can be achieved. Through the instrument of Marxism, Zionism wants to destroy EVERYTHING; race, nation, religion, property, family, culture, art… you name it. It is clear that they hope to achieve an internal collapse in Western society, giving the "chosen people" universal triumph. The ultimate achievement is an inferior human class, easily governable and without any cultural ties, identity or character.
“Prussia was conceived as a state where the national guiding principle was honor, where the family was organized around the authoritarian and exemplary figure of the father. It was a full-blooded society grounded in deeply ingrained notions of duty, thrift, and stricter military discipline. And along with the art of war, philosophy, literature, music were cultivated. But none of this revolution happened by chance: the Einherjar Order fostered it, awaiting the arrival of the Great Leader of the White Race.
The presence of the Order is not unrelated to the subsequent emergence of the House of Branderburg (a collateral lineage of the Hohenzollern). Prussia was the prelude to the New Order that the Führer, in his next coming, would apply to all of Germany and to the world. That is why Hitler never concealed his debt to Prussia and made public his sympathy for Frederick II of Prussia and Bismarck, the Iron Chancellor."
Secret history of the Thule-Gesellschaft

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