The Pennsylvania Prophecy, 3370

4 years ago

Good Thanksgiving morning, I’m still reporting on the coup.
Exactly 2 weeks ago, Beth forwarded to me another word from the Lord received by Charlie Shamp. I don’t know who he is, but I didn’t post it because knowing how crooked Pennsylvania politics is, I just could not believe this one could be true.
This word was given to Charlie Shamp on Oct. 22, 12 days before the election. I diidn’t see it until a week after the election, but I didn’t believe it.
Only today does this make sense, and only for the few that either watched our last report, or those who watched RSBN feed this afternoon live.
So, Charlie Shamp wrote that he heard the Lord say:
“Watch Pennsylvania, yes watch and see what I will do. I say to the intercessors, stand as watchers and as pillars of the state and pray Pennsylvania through in the election for it will be the key that opens the flood gate for the nation to be delivered from destruction. For America hangs in the balance and I have placed upon the shoulders of this state the key to victory that will close the door to the enemy that seeks to destroy the land of liberty. I say look and see, I have laid a keystone within you America, yes a tested stone, a white stone, a precious cornerstone state, a sure foundation where the bell of liberty will ring once again. I will cause a sound to ring out from you, a sound of Triumph from my Trumpet. For you are my Key Stone that I have set in the hand of the church to take down the giant in this hour. The giant that seeks to devour this nation, but he will fall and his body will cause the ground to quake in the city of brotherly love. Yes the ground will quake in the city founded by the quakers. I will shake Pennsylvania by my power, and corruption will surface for all to see, but the one who believes will be unshakable, the one I have set in place will not be moved.“
This outpouring of the Holy Spirit on just common people is Biblical. From Acts 2:17:
‘And it should be in the last days’ , God says, ‘that I will pour forth my spirit on all mankind and your sons and your daughters shall prophecy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams;’
And there is even a harmony between Acts which is New Testament and a verse in Joel 2:28 which is Old Testament. I won't bother to read it to you because it's so similar it's almost a complete duplication.
So, I think it is safe to say that we are officially in the last days.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.

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