Alyssa Deanne Clark🎶

4 years ago

Are you feeling down but don't know why?

Are you blessed, feeling like you could touch the sky?

Allow me a moment with you. Just a moment, simply because I need you. I need you to listen. I need you to hear and to know that you are not alone.

Your uplift'n, your downtrodden, your victory and your loss.

For I know of One & One alone that gave it all up. He gave it ALL up to give you everything.

So please, want you give me a moment, just this once? Hear me out and do not mock.

For My God, our King of Kings & Lord of Lord's gave us His ALL. He did not count it nor you as a loss. For My Father in Heaven called your name as He died up on that cross...

Your ole pal

I pray you listen to these words as this young woman sings. This has truly been a bless'n for me as I pray that it will be for you as well. I wrote those words above as I was inspired by the Spirit of God after hearing this song.

I pray this finds you well and it causes your heart to smile as much as it did mine. God bless you & may God keep you...

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