4 years ago

Democrat-Socialist hoodlums and Marxist and fascists insist on intimidating anyone who dares to voice a different view at all of what they believe. Patriots of the Constitution, must be ready to intimidate these devils to let them know that we are armed, prepared and ready to fight to our last full ounce of devotion. We do not do so in protest to the constitutionally conceived government. We do so against a government that repudiates all the protections of our God-given rights, the U.S. Constitution.

They will challenge any Trump victory as illegitimate; especially, if he wins the electoral college, but not the popular vote, again. As Restoration Patriots, we must organize to surround the White House to stop and attack any horde of left-wing radicals from seeking to enter to forcefully remove President Donald J. Trump.

We will not be there to counter law enforcement that follows the U.S. Constitution. However, any forces that engage, with the radical-left terrorists, shall be noted and considered enemy combatants. We will protect the President of the United States of America, at all cost and with life and limb.

Expect More Protests and Sit-ins from Democrat-Socialist Leftists

Democrat-Socialist Leftists, and their mobs and thugs, will attack and identify anyone who speaks out against what they are calling for and what they are doing. Well, then they will have to kill me, and all patriots, but we are ready to put them down first.

These Democrat-Socialist allied forces of treason have declared that any Judge or official, who seeks to thwarts their Color Revolution will be a target of their violent actions.

We as restoration Patriots, who insist upon restoring the U.S. Constitution to its rule, as the law of the land, must take action upon them first and be ready for effective offensive actions and the defensive reprisals.

Let us all remember that Donald Trump never said he would not accept defeat. He said if he is defeated and the results are clear and true, he would certainly step down.

Yet, with the mail-ballots, hundreds of thousands of which have been discarded and thrown away and many that were printed without Donald J. Trump’s name printed on them, of course he must question any results that are not clear and determinative, just as the Democrat-Socialist will do, as well.

In fact, it is the Democrat-Socialists who spent the last four years crying and wailing and moaning that the Trump election to the presidency was not legitimate, and that it was Hillary who really won. In fact, it was Hillary who told Joe Biden that he should not concede, under any circumstances. Do her words not mean that the Democrat-Socialists are ready to do exactly the same thing they are accusing President Donald J. Trump of?

Hillary Clinton went on to say, “because I think this is going to drag out and eventually, I do believe he (Biden) will win, if we don't give an inch, and if we are as focused and Relentless as the other side is.” They have a couple of scenarios that they're looking for.

There is no effective way of working together with the Democrat-Socialists, who want power, even at the expense the nation itself. The radical left knows that, if President Trump is given four more years, it will spell the end of their Socialist agenda. President Trump has already revolutionized the courts. They are wholly determined to never allow a second Trump Administration.

Thomas Jefferson wisely stated that “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

Refreshing the tree of liberty, as Jefferson stated, is required, from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants to maintain a free republic. I am not sure this is what is needed, as of yet, but I am wholly persuaded that being wholly prepared to do so is of vital necessity, now.

Let us pray that I am mistaken, and it is not needed, but let us be entirely fearless to prune this tree of liberty, lest it be a tree on which, we who love the U.S. Constitution and the duly elected president won, by the will of the American people, shall all hang.

Dr. Steven Clark Bradley PhD

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