Wake Up America! Start Prepping Now

3 years ago

Store up the choice food so that you will not be hungry when that choice food is gone. Canning, freezing, drying foods… some storing forms have been around since Biblical times for a reason. 1st Wave Video.

I can’t image having to tell my hungry and crying grandchild that there is no more food for them. I never, ever want to be in that place nor do I want any of my family members, friends or neighbors to experience that.

Prepping is what I do, It is not who I am. I am a Homesteader...who Preps.

My wife and I live in West Virginia and I own 21 acres of beautiful trees and farm land on my mountain. Behind our acres is an additional 1000 acres. We try to eat as natural as we can, we garden, we have an orchard of Pears, Asian Pears, Peaches, Paw Paws, Cherries, Blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and Apples & 30 hens 1 rooster, 3 cats and 1 dog.

We had goats for a couple of years but they are gone as that work became to much when my kids left and I still worked (I am retired now). We are Preppers, not for WWZ...we Prep for emergencies like natural disasters & try to remain self sustaining but we are ready if Zombies come. We can crops & meats, dehydrate foods, herbs, make our own laundry soaps, collect rain water for gardening, make my own ammo for hunting and hobby/target practice & have a variety of communications for receiving & transmitting. It's about clothes, food, shelter, water, medicine, health and ammo. Yep, Bullets, Beans & Band-Aids.

I'm retired USMC 20 yrs & Law Enforcement 28 1/2 yrs. Retired.

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