The Elmhurst Hospital coverup

3 years ago

Join us on the next frequency wars this Wednesday at 11 AM as Speak with Arron Marie Chansky who is the nurse who went undercover in the so-called epicenter of epicenters of the COVID-19 pandemic at Elmhurst Hospital in New York city.

Hear about not only the miss management of the health of the Covid patients but the malpractice she saw that led to so many deaths unnecessarily.

Listen to the blatant callousness for life by physicians and staff and hear about the ventilators that were killing many as an incubated the virus.

You will find out what happened and more portly what to expect coming in the very near future what is next from Mrs. O’Cheskey’s words after seeing the lies and the cover-up she experienced at Elmhurst

Don’t mess this true hero sharing her truth and what is to come. You need to be there for this!

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