First Deaf Person Appointed on Civil Service Commission Selection 5/5/2015

4 years ago

Douglas Vigil First Deaf Person on City of Stockton on Board of Civil Service Commission!!!!
To adopt, amend or repeal rules for the Civil Service System.
To make investigation either upon complaint or upon its own motion concerning any matter touching the administration of the Civil Service System.
To act in an advisory capacity to the City Manager on problems concerning personnel administration.
As provided by rule, to hear appeals of dismissals, demotions or reductions submitted by any person in the competitive service. Prepare or cause to be prepared a written statement of facts, findings, and recommendations on every appeal. The effect of the Commission's recommendation in case of discharge, demotion or reduction shall be final and binding upon all parties.
To make an annual report and such other reports as it deems desirable to the City Council covering the administration of the personnel system.
http://stockton.granicus.comMediaPlay... Empower with Person with Disabilities & Anti-Bully & Art Recognition within Community & Accessible!!!

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