1 John 3 Now that we have objective truth from God we start off by learning how to love our brethren

3 years ago

Even all Denominational Bibles warn us that there would be a great falling away out of one faith Christianity from God and objective truth from God 2 Thess. 2:3-11. Denominational apostasy is ending Eze. 39:25-29, and one faith Christianity from God is rebooting. Great opportunities are ahead as we start ridding ourselves of Gnosticism/the subjective truth of men in preparation for the 2nd age of the Kingdom of Heaven Eph. 2:7. To access all of these videos you can get a $5.17 download for the E-Bible the Rod of Iron for the 2nd age of the Kingdom of Heaven; https://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/randall-kent-maxwell/holy-bible-from-god/ebook/product-zwmeyv.html?page=1&pageSize=4

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