Tony Katz Today: There Is No ‘Back To Normal’ If We Allow Continued Assault on Liberty

4 years ago

On This Episode:

- Who decides what stays open and what gets closed? Special interests and lobbyists. Shutting down schools appeases the teachers, not the students. Where is the political left on this abuse of power?

- Al Sharpton suggested people may avoid the COVID vaccine over fear that it could be another Tuskegee Experiment.

- Los Angeles County has suspended outdoor dining and LA restaurants have had enough. California Governor, however, can dine indoors with lobbyists.

- Owners and members of a gym in Buffalo, New York stood up to a health department worker that was on site over an anonymous tip that the business was breaking COVID rules. People are still willing to stand up for themselves.

- Sharyl Attkisson joins us to discuss the status of Trump's legal challenges, the reporting on the election and what a Joe Biden Presidency might look like.

The Big Story:

December 11th is the date we should be seeing a COVID vaccine. We could see 70% of Americans immunized by May. But will we be “back to normal” with a vaccine? What does “back to normal” mean?

What we have seen in the past 8 months from Governors and the media demanding we shut down our businesses and stay in our homes should make us all question what “back to normal” means.

You are not alone in noticing that large portions of this country were willing to abandon their liberty for just a little bit of perceived safety.

IG: @tonykatz
TW: @tonykatz

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