New things to make your experience better - 3D Veterinary Anatomy & Learning IVALA Unlisted Video

3 years ago

We just released an update to all of our projects that as well as fixing a tonne of bugs, we've added 5 new features:


1) AUTO-FOCUS MODE - when enabled this brings an anatomical landmark that a user selects to be the focus point, which allows for easier navigation

2) ON-HOVER MODE - when a user hovers over an anatomical landmark that is selectable, the object highlights to give the user feedback that the object is selectable

3) FASTER LOADING TIMES - learners should benefit from speedier load times from optimisation within content

4) FEEDBACK LINK - users can provide feedback from directly within the content to me

5) TYPING TEST FEEDBACK - if a user believes that the answer they have entered in the typing test has incorrectly marked as wrong, they can send that feedback to me through click of a button

We're FREE for veterinary students, interns, residents & academics at Also available by subscription at and

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