Sidney Powell – Georgia the Most Corrupt State, 3363

3 years ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup.
Yesterday A federal judge in Pennsylvania dismissed a lawsuit by President Donald Trump’s campaign that sought to block that state’s certification of the presidential election despite evidence that hundreds of thousands of illegal votes may have been injected into the system.
Sidney Powell, one of the attorney’s working for the benefit of President, went on NewsMax to comment on what she expected would be a loss in this court.
Powell was then asked what sort of evidence she has that she will be presenting in a matter of days on her yet-to-be filed massive election fraud case.
[insert to: “… happened everywhere.”]
So even in the Congressional races, the system was set to add 35,000 votes to the Democrat candidates across the nation.
She then pointed out that the team has so much evidence of vote rigging on a massive scale that the Justice Department should be all over this by now because of the criminality involved.
[insert. From: “But frankly, - to: “…in Pennsylvania.” ]
She was then asked why she thinks the Justice Dept. hasn’t moved on this as far as we know.
[insert from: “I think the Justice…” to: “… pull it all together.”]
So how many people had to have been in on this scam?
[insert to: “… things himself.”]
She then revealed that contrary to information spread across the MSM that these machines were hooked to the internet.
[insert from: “We also have…” to “… meddling in it.”]
Did you catch that? “… any number of VPN lines open to the internet, giving foreign actors to be meddling in it.
She then explained why various states decided to shut down the vote counting in the middle of the night.
[insert from: “Our witness….” To: “… and changed the numbers.}
Then she was asked if the certification by Georgia would stand.
[insert from: “…that’s a total farse.” To: from the CIA.”]
She said her suit in Georgia would be ready this coming week and it will be Biblical.
When asked which state had the worst corruption.
[from: “That’s really hard to say.” To: “…numbers for the vote.”
She added that the situation in Georgia is so bad that they can’t possibly run an election with the existing voting machines.
[insert from: “Georgia cannot… to “… absolutely absurd.”
For the rest of this interview, click on the live link in the Description box below.

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