How to Loom Knit for Beginners, Part 2: Getting Your Project Off the Loom / Binding Off

4 years ago

How to Loom Knit for Beginners, Part 2: Getting Your Project Off the Loom / Binding Off
In this video, I demonstrate how to get your project off the loom. Once you have finished loom knitting the amount of rows you want - or you have the project the length you desire, it is time to finish the project by removing it from the loom. We also want to lock our stitches so that our work is secure and doesn't unravel or or pull apart.

To remove the loom knitted project from the loom, a yarn needle is needed. The yarn needle can be any length. However, eye of the needle must be large enough for the yarn that was used for the project to fit through comfortably . . .

Wambui Bahati
Wambui Made It

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